Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Roller coaster

Well, here we go again..  Its been almost 6 months since my last post, and when I read that one tonight I realized I was about to start this one out the same way, and with very close to the same message.  I'm thinking I should have named my blog My Roller Coaster Ride Called Life!  Wow...  All I can say, is that I remember the sign that Mr. Allness had posted in his history room in High School; "those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it"  Yikes, seems to be the story of my life lately.  My post 6 months ago was basically about finding the path God has laid out for me and following it.  Well, either I haven't figured it out, have wandered off course again, or just plain am ignoring him..  It's amazing how we allow all the detours in life to completely throw us off course and forget the things that are important.

It's been a whirlwind of a summer in the Driscoll household these last few months.  I will spare you all the gory details, but in short we had a wedding in Mexico that had numerous issues all the way around it, the death of a very very beloved grandmother, have chosen to keep 3 of our kids home and do charter school, and the best friends we've known for years tell us they are moving away.  All of these events have left me really questioning just about every area of my life.  I spent so much time getting caught up in the day to day events, and the negativity that I struggled to see all the positive things in all of it.  I had on ash colored glasses instead of rose.  For someone who normally tries to see the positive, its been an extreme struggle and has left me with more questions than answers.

Tonight I watched Soul Surfer with my 2 middle children and was basically a mess before it even started.  Knowing what it was about, and then even watching some of the previews for other movies just hit me to my core.  Seeing a young girl, first off even LIVE through the accident, go on to persevere through everything and still have the strength and faith to go on. "and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called to his purpose".  Through her adversity, she knew that God still had a purpose for her and would somehow use her accident to reach others for Him.  Why is our first reaction to be angry and upset that we go through struggles in life?  No one ever said it would be easy.  I needed the reminder tonight that its not all about me..  Its not about any of us singly, its about all of us together realizing the good that needs to shine out from all of us, to know that even when we struggle, something good WILL come out of it.  Maybe not for us, and certainly NEVER in our timing.  Its all up to Him, the one who sees all, hears all and knows all.  Trust that he has a plan, and it will be fulfilled and thank Him for every opportunity, good or bad knowing that somehow, in some way it will work for good..