Friday, February 11, 2011

First ride...

Well, here goes.  My first shot at blogging.  As I forewarned in my profile, I'm not a writer, and realize I probably never will be.  Just hoping to talk about some life events I've gone through in hopes that it can maybe be of help to someone else.  Even if for nothing more than a good laugh.

I think the main reason I've never started is fear.  The constant fear of what people might think.  The book I've been reading lately has really convicted me of this.  "A life of following Christ requires relinquishing those fears when they do come.  It means refusing to let your fears of what others think, your fears of rejection, keep you from pursuing the truth about the Holy Spirit and whatever else God is teaching you and calling you to."  I know there are several times God has called me to do something and I've ignored Him.  I don't want to do that anymore, no matter how uncomfortable that is.  I had one chance recently that I followed through with and it was an amazing feeling.  I believe this is my next step in overcoming that fear.  So many people in my life, especially those from the past probably have no idea where I stand on anything.  Sure, they know I go to  church, they know I'm 'different' (whatever that means) but I've never really stood up for what I believe and how its changed my life..  No more hiding, no more excuses.  This is me saying, God is number 1 in my life and I don't want that to ever change.  No matter the hurts I've experienced, or the ones I know are sure to come in my future, I wouldn't be able to have made it through any of them without Him.  So, whether anyone ever reads this, or any from here on out, its my step in moving on and moving forward with the life I desire.

So again, if you're interested, maybe we can enjoy the ride together and see where it takes us from here.


  1. Congratulations on your blog, Staci. Great start...fear of what others will think of us is probably the most prevalent among women and it can paralyze us and keep us from what God wants us to do and experience.

  2. Love it Staci! I hope to enjoy this blogging journey with you!

  3. Congratulations on beginning your blog, Staci! I think you'll be glad you did! :)

  4. I am so very proud of you Sis!! This is amazing and I really like your profile. You are starting to inspire me to create my own personal blog. Love you!
